Alright, here goes nothing. I’m about to go out with the biggest bang in the history of big bangs. 

Recently a friend has asked me to give him one good reason why LGBTQ is wrong. Although, admittedly, reluctant at first, I decided that I should explain my beliefs. 

In light of passages such as I Corinthians 6:9-11, Leviticus 18:22, Romans 1:24-29, etc, homosexuality is, and always will be, a sin in God’s eyes, whether you’re actually boinking other guys or just fantasizing about such type of relationship (inferred by Matthew 5:28). As LGBTQ+ is built on the foundation of non-heterosexual relationships, it can easily be concluded that LGBTQ+ and Christianity are irreconcilable, with the only two possible exceptions being aromantic and asexual, which are included in the movement. 

One might argue that since you are under God’s grace, you can sin all you want. This heresy is known as anti-nomianism, and it is directly addressed and torn down by Paul in his letter to the Romans (Romans 7, I believe). If you are truly under God’s grace, then there should be a change in you. There is no such thing as a “carnal believer”.  Paul never once mentions a practicing gay Christian in any of his letters; he only mentions Christians who
 /once were/ gay. Will we sin occasionally? Yes. But it’s an exception, not the law. A “Christian” who sins all the time, all day long, succumbing to every temptation that comes his way, is not a true regenerate. Therefore, a “Christian” consistently practicing homosexuality, a sin before God’s eyes, he is not a true regenerate. 

Works are not what saves you… but they’re fruits of true salvation. 

You could affirm that Paul was only expressing his opinion, but then why stop there? If the book of, say, Romans isn’t inspired by the lord God, then what’s stopping you from saying Ephesians isn’t either? Or Hebrews? Or evens the 4 Gospels themselves? It’s a dangerous path to tread.

In summary, homosexuality, and therefore, LGBTQ as a whole, was not, is not, and never will be compatible with the Bible. And a true Christian will truly repent of his sins, and put his own sinful desires to death on a daily basis. There is no “carnal believer”.

As for the topic of 67 genders or whatever, I say only this.

 “He created them male and female, and blessed them and called them Mankind in the day they were created.”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭5‬:‭2‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

If there were other genders, the Bible would’ve certainly said something about them. It was sufficient then, it is sufficient now, and it will be sufficient for years to come. 

The Bible does not work if you add any external ideology to it, no matter how small. It is only truly pure by ITSELF. 

That’s all I have to say. And I will not back down.

Reposted The_Brazil

The_Brazil avatar
Alright, here goes nothing. I’m about to go out with the biggest bang in the history of big bangs.

Recently a friend has asked me to give him one good reason why LGBTQ is wrong. Although, admittedly, reluctant at first, I decided that I should explain my beliefs.

In light of passages such as I Corinthians 6:9-11, Leviticus 18:22, Romans 1:24-29, etc, homosexuality is, and always will be, a sin in God’s eyes, whether you’re actually boinking other guys or just fantasizing about such type of relationship (inferred by Matthew 5:28). As LGBTQ+ is built on the foundation of non-heterosexual relationships, it can easily be concluded that LGBTQ+ and Christianity are irreconcilable, with the only two possible exceptions being aromantic and asexual, which are included in the movement.

One might argue that since you are under God’s grace, you can sin all you want. This heresy is known as anti-nomianism, and it is directly addressed and torn down by Paul in his letter to the Romans (Romans 7, I believe). If you are truly under God’s grace, then there should be a change in you. There is no such thing as a “carnal believer”. Paul never once mentions a practicing gay Christian in any of his letters; he only mentions Christians who
/once were/ gay. Will we sin occasionally? Yes. But it’s an exception, not the law. A “Christian” who sins all the time, all day long, succumbing to every temptation that comes his way, is not a true regenerate. Therefore, a “Christian” consistently practicing homosexuality, a sin before God’s eyes, he is not a true regenerate.

Works are not what saves you… but they’re fruits of true salvation.

You could affirm that Paul was only expressing his opinion, but then why stop there? If the book of, say, Romans isn’t inspired by the lord God, then what’s stopping you from saying Ephesians isn’t either? Or Hebrews? Or evens the 4 Gospels themselves? It’s a dangerous path to tread.

In summary, homosexuality, and therefore, LGBTQ as a whole, was not, is not, and never will be compatible with the Bible. And a true Christian will truly repent of his sins, and put his own sinful desires to death on a daily basis. There is no “carnal believer”.

As for the topic of 67 genders or whatever, I say only this.

“He created them male and female, and blessed them and called them Mankind in the day they were created.”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭5‬:‭2‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

If there were other genders, the Bible would’ve certainly said something about them. It was sufficient then, it is sufficient now, and it will be sufficient for years to come.

The Bible does not work if you add any external ideology to it, no matter how small. It is only truly pure by ITSELF.

That’s all I have to say. And I will not back down.
  • domthebomb6868 avatar

    domthebomb6868 Could you sum that up, it’s too small to read

  • HighKing_8randon avatar

    HighKing_8randon I’m not reading that

  • Rugger38 avatar

    Rugger38 Hold on there 67 genders now?

  • 8zmcgb2pfw avatar

    8zmcgb2pfw The Bible also says to love others so ik I’m saying it’s a sin it’s fine if your LGBTQ but please remember that it will always be a sin in gods eye but I support everyone in the community because I’m Christian and I love everyone lgbt is kinda wrong in my opinion

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