\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude02 69th post \ud83d\udc40
AlixIHateEveryone My mom gets pissed at us for having to work extra when she can leave
im_a_clown_tho Iβve never related moreπ
memesterbrokop Me on the last day of school
i_am_a_person Haha so relatable
thedingdangdiddlydingus Your move countchocula
pinkpixelpanda I just realized that the plane is actually a little tikes plane that was sold when I was little, SoMeOnE fRicKeD uP mY cHiLdHoOd
ASKETTI World war ||| be like
thedingdangdiddlydingus Will you have a Jason the jet plane meme off with me ?
AlixIHateEveryone My mom gets pissed at us for having to work extra when she can leave
• Replyim_a_clown_tho Iβve never related moreπ
• Replymemesterbrokop Me on the last day of school
• Replyi_am_a_person Haha so relatable
• ReplyLoserFrappe
thedingdangdiddlydingus Your move countchocula
pinkpixelpanda I just realized that the plane is actually a little tikes plane that was sold when I was little, SoMeOnE fRicKeD uP mY cHiLdHoOd
• ReplyASKETTI World war ||| be like
• Replythedingdangdiddlydingus Will you have a Jason the jet plane meme off with me ?
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