Aweeeeh this is cute
minastwinsister 😭👌
Comrade_John_Wick He knows what he’s doing…to hump every Wednesday…aka Hump Day😆😂🤣😉
7_purplegirl 🤣🤣
uzamaki_boruto Lol
upasta_knucles Wow
TooLazyForA_Name I’d summon Bloody Mary just to make he feel validated, like “you’re more than a demon, don’t ever think you’re just a joke for sleepovers because you’re way better than that
Kovatar 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️I was gonna do that!
AvocadToast_Chan Hahahahaha wholesome!!!!
Black_Acree She blushed omg hahah!
memes_of_our_time She just wanted a chance, and she got it🥲
Satan_sama She blushed 😂❤️❤️🤣
minastwinsister 😭👌
• ReplyComrade_John_Wick He knows what he’s doing…to hump every Wednesday…aka Hump Day😆😂🤣😉
• Reply7_purplegirl 🤣🤣
• Replyuzamaki_boruto Lol
• Replyupasta_knucles Wow
• ReplyTooLazyForA_Name I’d summon Bloody Mary just to make he feel validated, like “you’re more than a demon, don’t ever think you’re just a joke for sleepovers because you’re way better than that
• ReplyKovatar 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️I was gonna do that!
• ReplyAvocadToast_Chan Hahahahaha wholesome!!!!
• ReplyBlack_Acree She blushed omg hahah!
• Replymemes_of_our_time She just wanted a chance, and she got it🥲
• ReplySatan_sama She blushed 😂❤️❤️🤣
• Reply