You\u0027re hired
lucariolover45 thats my clone i am the turtle LOL so true tho
XxxLunaxxX The f**k why is their something dangling from his ass or is it from his pants
gukison56 looks good your hired.
TheRealSCP_682 Supervisor: YOURE HIRED
Snapmeme At first i was lokin at his ass but now i get it
lazardreambeamzeean It is some vvood
lazardreambeamzeean You: is retarded = this meme
sweatywalmart His head looks like a uhh
Maddencaroline_luv The tale genius
cats_among_us123 Hay
FemboyLover A turtle
sdfghhgfghjkjh whats in his ass
lucariolover45 thats my clone i am the turtle LOL so true tho
• ReplyXxxLunaxxX The f**k why is their something dangling from his ass or is it from his pants
• Replygukison56 looks good your hired.
• ReplyTheRealSCP_682 Supervisor: YOURE HIRED
• ReplyBaby_NONO
Snapmeme At first i was lokin at his ass but now i get it
• Replylazardreambeamzeean It is some vvood
• Replylazardreambeamzeean You: is retarded = this meme
• Replysweatywalmart His head looks like a uhh
• ReplyMaddencaroline_luv The tale genius
• Replycats_among_us123 Hay
• ReplyFemboyLover A turtle
• Replysdfghhgfghjkjh whats in his ass
• Reply