Did you know the vxxxxne doesn’t guarantee immunity to cxxxd, it doesn’t guarantee you won’t spread it, it isn’t an actual “vxxxxne” at all, it isn’t FDA approved, absolutely NO ONE knows long term effects, and absolutely NO ONE can receive compensation if there were to be ANY health damaging/deadly effects to you or a loved one? Also forcing ppl to get vxxxxxxted violates the Nuremberg code set in place at the end of WW2.. and forcing anyone to show their medical documents violates HIPPA confidentiality laws and it’s discriminatory. YOU JUST WANT EVERYONE TO GET SICK AND DIE!! YOU DON’T CARE ABOUT ANYONES HEALTH OR WELL BEING!!! EVERYONE MUST GET THE VXXXXXE AND USE VXXXXXE PASSPORTS IF THEY WANT TO GO OUT IN PUBLIC OR HAVE A JOB!! ITS THE ONLY WAY TO BE SAFE!!
Did you know the vxxxxne doesn’t guarantee immunity to cxxxd, it doesn’t guarantee you won’t spread it, it isn’t an actual “vxxxxne” at all, it isn’t FDA approved, absolutely NO ONE knows long term effects, and absolutely NO ONE can receive compensation if there were to be ANY health damaging/deadly effects to you or a loved one? Also forcing ppl to get vxxxxxxted violates the Nuremberg code set in place at the end of WW2.. and forcing anyone to show their medical documents violates HIPPA confidentiality laws and it’s discriminatory. YOU JUST WANT EVERYONE TO GET SICK AND DIE!! YOU DON’T CARE ABOUT ANYONES HEALTH OR WELL BEING!!! EVERYONE MUST GET THE VXXXXXE AND USE VXXXXXE PASSPORTS IF THEY WANT TO GO OUT IN PUBLIC OR HAVE A JOB!! ITS THE ONLY WAY TO BE SAFE!!
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