Echoplatform666 i feel like this is a training set for young amarican students Don’t ask me
Joemama13 For that patient that needs an extra kick to relieve the pain
that_car_guy Just in case the the PHD and medical school failed
Cat_Dealer anesthesia
cottoncandyinky I wrote my comment but it said it was too long…256/280?
Girly_meme When the patient won’t take their shots
A113GR One of the Messed up Toys NO KID Would Want as a Present
spacenerd1490 Well you gotta get money
TheRealSCP_682 The old fashioned Anastasia
sylvi-16 Where else would the wound come from
Henrylikesdogs07 So thats how they get all that extra blood
baldinia Giving patients a shot, duh
Echoplatform666 i feel like this is a training set for young amarican students
• Don’t ask me
• ReplyJoemama13 For that patient that needs an extra kick to relieve the pain
• Replya_bruh
• Replyjoe_biden_joe_biden_joeee_biden
that_car_guy Just in case the the PHD and medical school failed
• ReplyCat_Dealer anesthesia
• Replycottoncandyinky I wrote my comment but it said it was too long…256/280?
• ReplyGirly_meme When the patient won’t take their shots
• ReplyA113GR One of the Messed up Toys NO KID Would Want as a Present
• Replyspacenerd1490 Well you gotta get money
• ReplyTheRealSCP_682 The old fashioned Anastasia
• Replysylvi-16 Where else would the wound come from
• ReplyHenrylikesdogs07 So thats how they get all that extra blood
• Replybaldinia Giving patients a shot, duh
• Reply