jedivader No wonder he don't wear pants..does poo do that to?
mreboe #tryingtobefamousbycommenting
Ace_The_Raboot Expand Dong, Mega Boner, Harder daddy, Penis, Penois, Wenis, Boner, Etc.
Carsoneatsbooty Boner wars
laugh_or_perish_mortal And that’s only 1% of his true power
superchat01 *Holy Music Stops*
humanity *goku has waddled away*
ScAnk Donald diko mode
Timble_town20 What is that donal'sdick?
yo_yo_memes Unmmmm
_SaTaNiC_MeMeS What the fuck-
wolf_dubs ....childhood ruined-..
get_epicly_memed The hell?
butter_brains 1ST LIKE WOOHOO
jedivader No wonder he don't wear pants..does poo do that to?
• Replymreboe #tryingtobefamousbycommenting
• ReplyAce_The_Raboot Expand Dong, Mega Boner, Harder daddy, Penis, Penois, Wenis, Boner, Etc.
• ReplyCarsoneatsbooty Boner wars
• Replylaugh_or_perish_mortal And that’s only 1% of his true power
• Replysuperchat01 *Holy Music Stops*
• Replyhumanity *goku has waddled away*
• ReplyScAnk Donald diko mode
• ReplyTimble_town20 What is that donal'sdick?
• Replyyo_yo_memes Unmmmm
• Reply_SaTaNiC_MeMeS What the fuck-
• Replywolf_dubs ....childhood ruined-..
• Replyget_epicly_memed The hell?
• Replybutter_brains 1ST LIKE WOOHOO
• Reply