SO SCARY! (By: @uk_legends_)
Commentman Dude dis mf spelled it like centre it kinda maked u more smart tho or at least sound that way
SergeantCel when the cop that killed George Floyd gets released
Susana_ Made my head hurt when I just looked at it
memetothememe I had that happen to me
luicer43 100% still happens
rubylu Oh shit it is so true
harmygurl Still happens
trashy_betch Damn straight whenever that happens I have a panic attack like “Oh ShIt I tHiNk SoMe OlD mAn StArIn At Me—ImMa GeT kIdNaPpEd-“
asp_d0uble Aussie boiiiiii
parckey ;)
ecopeland2008 You copied me
chas_le_weeb I got lost three times
fastjayden YOU COPIED MEEE
prof_infinity I remember that time I got lost and it was traumatic
pattym0927 Gay hookup
Commentman Dude dis mf spelled it like centre it kinda maked u more smart tho or at least sound that way
• ReplySergeantCel when the cop that killed George Floyd gets released
• ReplySusana_ Made my head hurt when I just looked at it
• Replymemetothememe I had that happen to me
• Replyluicer43 100% still happens
• Replyrubylu Oh shit it is so true
• Replyharmygurl Still happens
• Replytrashy_betch Damn straight whenever that happens I have a panic attack like “Oh ShIt I tHiNk SoMe OlD mAn StArIn At Me—ImMa GeT kIdNaPpEd-“
• Replyasp_d0uble Aussie boiiiiii
• Replyparckey ;)
• Replyecopeland2008 You copied me
• Replychas_le_weeb I got lost three times
• Replyfastjayden YOU COPIED MEEE
• Replyprof_infinity I remember that time I got lost and it was traumatic
• Replypattym0927 Gay hookup
• Reply