# #goku # #godzillapride
Flxui f u c k
Faze_Car_Guy Yep happened to me today
Commander_Godhand That girl In the back looks like she’s trying to cheat all we know is that she’s going to get the wrong answer
URMEMZ I’m literally like “just kill me teacher”
imadoofus Well, f*ck
d.a.z.e.d Mood.
unknown_memeking Why does he have a banana
jagbean09 I can’t figure out my name nooooooo
TryingToGetFamous This is day 212 of me trying to get famous by commenting
Pianoboy07 YES!! Lmao
cwillisw Faxxxxx
imjustway2funny4u moOd
AvocadToast_Chan Well fuck
Flxui f u c k
• ReplyFaze_Car_Guy Yep happened to me today
• ReplyCommander_Godhand That girl In the back looks like she’s trying to cheat all we know is that she’s going to get the wrong answer
• ReplyURMEMZ I’m literally like “just kill me teacher”
• Replyimadoofus Well, f*ck
• Replyoodels
d.a.z.e.d Mood.
• Replyunknown_memeking Why does he have a banana
• Replyjagbean09 I can’t figure out my name nooooooo
• ReplyTryingToGetFamous This is day 212 of me trying to get famous by commenting
• ReplyPianoboy07 YES!! Lmao
• Replycwillisw Faxxxxx
• ReplyNotTrent
imjustway2funny4u moOd
• ReplyAvocadToast_Chan Well fuck
• Reply