McKinleeW Bs
underground_clown DamnðŸ˜
SubZeroClone So art schools are like twitch
Pizzapockets Kristallnacht 1938
thememsgod That is what changed it all
G0D0FM3M3S The person who didn't allow Hitler in Art academy couldve saved us a WW2
cdjackson44 That is sad
Be_Right_Back Why shmitler trying to get in a art school
Chew_memes It’s true tho. Hitler was a talented artist but somehow he got rejected by art school
Night_time_Splinterz The stereotypes of women
Foxtrot_Actual This is sad to be honest
_Ecstasy_ Memes like these make me think i am a boy eventhough being a girl
McKinleeW Bs
• Replyunderground_clown DamnðŸ˜
SubZeroClone So art schools are like twitch
• ReplyPizzapockets Kristallnacht 1938
• Replythememsgod That is what changed it all
• ReplyG0D0FM3M3S The person who didn't allow Hitler in Art academy couldve saved us a WW2
• Replycdjackson44 That is sad
• ReplyBe_Right_Back Why shmitler trying to get in a art school
• ReplyChew_memes It’s true tho. Hitler was a talented artist but somehow he got rejected by art school
• ReplyNight_time_Splinterz The stereotypes of women
• ReplyFoxtrot_Actual This is sad to be honest
• Reply_Ecstasy_ Memes like these make me think i am a boy eventhough being a girl
• Reply