Come for a last drink, even the recent memes died out, at this point we are just waiting for devs to have mercy to kill us off, only a few people here are left, the "reforms" were unsucessfull, eggman empire? Died in less than a fucking week, and im fucked anyways, this platform wont survive a another 2 years and youtube sucks, okino is slowly leaving and deathkorps too... This used to be such a cool place...

• Replytobey_maguire Dude I am staying till the last user on here leaves other than me
• ReplybeeschurgerX i won't be leaving until every account i follow has gone as well. that won't happen anytime soon.
• Replyadawg2099 You know what, I don’t think the app is shutting down… you just saying shit dawg
• Replyokino_26. yeah
• ReplyLizzzzzzy What r u talking ab
• Replydeathkorpscommander brother i am not leaving
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