insanity is only a few steps away, you ever felt that? the fakin platform died off, and i have 2 years left,and YouTube isn't very good, and i lost the ability to scavenge due time and limited resources the downfall of scavengers has begun, and ended
STEALT_BLADE okino is dead so its me, you and deathkorp
• ReplySTEALT_BLADE and a meme poster wont be possible due to well, phone not being a very good macro platform
• ReplySTEALT_BLADE a pull of users would be possible but that requires force
• ReplyDoctor_Robotnik , as a last resort you will have to set up a reposter from other platforms, not sure how that coould work
• ReplyDoctor_Robotnik well you are right, the platform is going nowhere, 3 quarterss of the population being stuck in the trendign memes section, and the quality there is bad, we could manage to pull some more users over here but we are taking risk
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