# #godzillapride # #goku
Elfran02 That’s cool
MarMarMemes Wait a second...no..this can’t be...is that.... an android text message 😰😨😱
OD_juice_wrld Those are some old ass phones
Riyaaa_18 Like my memes
Riyaaa_18 Please follow me
devil_2008 They are not ultra legends they are chapri legends🙄🤪
M0nster2000Energy I once sent that to an ultra religious aunt and she shared it with a people whore and she believed it hahaha
Hufflepuff_girl Are we gonna forget the fact that the message was sent at 3:36 AM
MarMarMemes I was gonna ask how woman charge their but then I was like oh yea they don’t.
grandmeme People who don’t have normal phones:
SirWankDot I’m a legend
alexIStheWolfsPack I don’t have a wireless charger 😭
Efike The channel is W3 MAKE M3MES
Efike Is it ok if I use this in my next video? I will add your memer tag to a google doc that all can see to show whose memes I am using
Efike lmao
Elfran02 That’s cool
• ReplyMarMarMemes Wait a second...no..this can’t be...is that.... an android text message 😰😨😱
• ReplyOD_juice_wrld Those are some old ass phones
• ReplyRiyaaa_18 Like my memes
• ReplyRiyaaa_18 Please follow me
• Replydevil_2008 They are not ultra legends they are chapri legends🙄🤪
• ReplyM0nster2000Energy I once sent that to an ultra religious aunt and she shared it with a people whore and she believed it hahaha
• ReplyHufflepuff_girl Are we gonna forget the fact that the message was sent at 3:36 AM
• ReplyMarMarMemes I was gonna ask how woman charge their but then I was like oh yea they don’t.
• Replygrandmeme People who don’t have normal phones:
• ReplySirWankDot I’m a legend
• ReplyalexIStheWolfsPack I don’t have a wireless charger 😭
• ReplyEfike The channel is W3 MAKE M3MES
• ReplyEfike Is it ok if I use this in my next video? I will add your memer tag to a google doc that all can see to show whose memes I am using
• ReplyEfike lmao
• Reply