underground_clown My homie and I running to the cafeteria to be first
epicmemegodlegend Are you the cat on the post I saw today!
a.person. YES. They got rid of the computer place and moved it in the library so we dont go there almost at all
aztsgsi8au Yes
kingtk45 Facts
Ompa I still can't unsee your face reveal @tayeb
clownering we would always rush to the computers that have internet connection because some other computers are just f***ed up
im-tyrone Lol me and my friends use to do that all the time
frenziedBEAR09Xbox Wish I had field trips
XDSQUADLEADER Can I pls get shout out I love ur memes!!!
drink_water Y E S but sadly we had to do assigned seats
FnfAndKpopFan Yeah
hello_oof better be atleast one chair away cuz of covid-19 😒
xoxoanime Factss i still do this with my friend-
underground_clown My homie and I running to the cafeteria to be first
• Replyepicmemegodlegend
epicmemegodlegend Are you the cat on the post I saw today!
• Replya.person. YES. They got rid of the computer place and moved it in the library so we dont go there almost at all
• Replyaztsgsi8au Yes
• Replykingtk45 Facts
• ReplyOmpa I still can't unsee your face reveal @tayeb
• Replyclownering we would always rush to the computers that have internet connection because some other computers are just f***ed up
• Replyim-tyrone Lol me and my friends use to do that all the time
• ReplyfrenziedBEAR09Xbox Wish I had field trips
• ReplyXDSQUADLEADER Can I pls get shout out I love ur memes!!!
• Replydrink_water Y E S but sadly we had to do assigned seats
• ReplyFnfAndKpopFan Yeah
• Replyhello_oof better be atleast one chair away cuz of covid-19 😒
• Replyxoxoanime Factss i still do this with my friend-
• Reply