sweetchansylor18 Lol
no_name_random_person Legs:
temmie246 *Legs left the chat*
meAJme Synapse collapse at legs
Where_Is_The_Yankee_Brim lol
TryingToGetFamous This is day 6 of me trying to get famous by commenting
yungtojo Bruh, you ever wake up and try to answer the phone but you’ve lost all the feeling in both of your arms? And you can’t support yourself with them, so you proceed to roll on to the floor and look like a fish out of water?🤣
kimberly_best_memes_xd LMAO
._.Sxviet._.Hxntai._. True
hey_im_sasuke Soooooo true😂😂
sweetchansylor18 Lol
• Replyjnarkys
• Replyno_name_random_person Legs:
temmie246 *Legs left the chat*
• ReplymeAJme Synapse collapse at legs
• ReplyWhere_Is_The_Yankee_Brim lol
• ReplyTryingToGetFamous This is day 6 of me trying to get famous by commenting
• Replyyungtojo Bruh, you ever wake up and try to answer the phone but you’ve lost all the feeling in both of your arms? And you can’t support yourself with them, so you proceed to roll on to the floor and look like a fish out of water?🤣
• ReplyAvabug_
kimberly_best_memes_xd LMAO
• Reply._.Sxviet._.Hxntai._. True
• Replyhey_im_sasuke Soooooo true😂😂
• Reply