montyfnaf123 calm down afton
dez_nuts_Idontcare Omg why is that so true
TamerOfDragons My voice on recording be like: Haha helium voice go brrrr
PizzaPineapple Always lol 😂
Unsaid_Emily1 Yup accurate
Joy_Nelly Lmao🤣🤣🤣
JonJonNoNamer_xmas That’s me when I record myself
Lexalator XDDDDD
The_blue_unicorn I HATED my voice when I tried to make a pretend YouTube vid when I was 10
SirCharles44 Litterally my voice on video
AvocadToast_Chan 🤣🤣🤣🤣
montyfnaf123 calm down afton
• Replydez_nuts_Idontcare Omg why is that so true
• ReplyTamerOfDragons My voice on recording be like: Haha helium voice go brrrr
• ReplyPizzaPineapple Always lol 😂
• ReplyUnsaid_Emily1 Yup accurate
• ReplyJoy_Nelly Lmao🤣🤣🤣
• ReplyJonJonNoNamer_xmas
JonJonNoNamer_xmas That’s me when I record myself
• ReplyLexalator XDDDDD
• ReplyThe_blue_unicorn I HATED my voice when I tried to make a pretend YouTube vid when I was 10
• ReplySirCharles44 Litterally my voice on video
• ReplyAvocadToast_Chan 🤣🤣🤣🤣
• Reply