Do you get this? \ud83e\udd23
dabuleface Right when I saw the picture of shriek I immediately started singing the song lol 😂
idkZS Some body once told me the world is gonna roll me
ViolentBreadStik OnCe ToLd Me ThE wIrD
Collin_cool NO I DONT SORRY ;)
Memestersixtysix Haha so funny
fluffy_doge dog,some dogs,cup,some cups,body,SOME BODY ONCE TOLD ME
freddy_fazbears_pizzaria SOMBODY ONCE TOLD ME
Salomysowl I don't get it
cringeboopr somebody once told me the world was gonna roll me, i aint the sharpest tool in the she-edd. she was lookin kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead...
10Lydia Oof
sofia2345 Somebody once told me the world
meme_maker567 SoMeBoDy OnCe ToLd Me ThE wOrLd WaS gOnNa RoMe Me
No1_bakuhoe Some BODY oNCE TOLD ME
Nuggetz_Memes_inc 😂
dabuleface Right when I saw the picture of shriek I immediately started singing the song lol 😂
• ReplyidkZS Some body once told me the world is gonna roll me
• ReplyViolentBreadStik OnCe ToLd Me ThE wIrD
• ReplyCollin_cool NO I DONT SORRY ;)
• ReplyMemestersixtysix Haha so funny
• Replyfluffy_doge dog,some dogs,cup,some cups,body,SOME BODY ONCE TOLD ME
• Replyfreddy_fazbears_pizzaria SOMBODY ONCE TOLD ME
• ReplySalomysowl I don't get it
• Replycringeboopr somebody once told me the world was gonna roll me, i aint the sharpest tool in the she-edd. she was lookin kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead...
• ReplyUnoReverse_Bitch
10Lydia Oof
• Replysofia2345 Somebody once told me the world
• Replymeme_maker567 SoMeBoDy OnCe ToLd Me ThE wOrLd WaS gOnNa RoMe Me
• ReplyNo1_bakuhoe Some BODY oNCE TOLD ME
• ReplyNuggetz_Memes_inc 😂
• Reply