Well if they are raping you and sexually abusing you and you turn it around and sexually abuse them then technically no it’s self defense, it’s just like in real fights, if your fighting you can’t catch charges as long as you didn’t start it or contribute to why it started
kidpusse Where’s the girl with glasses tho
• Replyjoeyhemaster
RelatableRev2 You fu(king each other is basically sex
• Replynylasamoner10 You are technically as guilty as they are
• ReplyORAN1C_MEMES_4_YOU Tim is s h o o k
• Replyunconsistent Well if they are raping you and sexually abusing you and you turn it around and sexually abuse them then technically no it’s self defense, it’s just like in real fights, if your fighting you can’t catch charges as long as you didn’t start it or contribute to why it started
• Replysidd_1 Everyday, we stray away from god
• ReplyFlame141544 Who knows... maybe
• ReplyFlame141544 Uhm... who knows?
• ReplyTHE_RUSSIAN_SPY Let’s find out then
• ReplyI_eat_nuts Lol
• Replypeashooter beep beep motherfucker
• ReplyChillHouse2077 Dont forget to call the boys for revenge yk we got you
• ReplyIM_THE_BADGUY 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
• ReplyTherealcutegamer324 WTF
• Reply