nyxbitch I’m the toilet paper company, stock market,airline companies, and “Me”
Pepe_theangry_frog I’m the sports fan too except I’m the sports fan that misses their friends
yam_yam Tiktok is good tho
Meme_approver I’m the sports fan
macandcheeseboi So fuckin true
MEME_KID_IGHT Ewww it’s a bunch of TikTokers
foxybendygirl Yep
shaleyxgarnere Me on tiktok all day
dr_brujeria Me who has the Coronavirus
nyxbitch I’m the toilet paper company, stock market,airline companies, and “Me”
• ReplyPepe_theangry_frog I’m the sports fan too except I’m the sports fan that misses their friends
• Replyyam_yam Tiktok is good tho
• ReplyMeme_approver I’m the sports fan
• Replymacandcheeseboi So fuckin true
• ReplyMEME_KID_IGHT Ewww it’s a bunch of TikTokers
• Replyfoxybendygirl Yep
• Replyshaleyxgarnere Me on tiktok all day
dr_brujeria Me who has the Coronavirus