Apologize for update you guys late in between afternoon and early in the evening time, I just got back home from traveling all day, and had some sleepless night. When I came back home but, haven\u2019t sleep until 1-6 and when I actually wake up I sleep all through all morning and when I wake up at 12 PM, I just wake up this late again, anyways, I just finished watching this newest video just uploaded since 9 AM, but watch it at 12 PM, from Wassabi Productions titled WHO IS THE WORST BEST FRIEND | FIVE BELOW CHALLENGE, it such an amazing and a interesting video I ever watch, and anyways have a beautiful and a sunny day. See you next Wassabi Saturday morning at 9 AM and see you this Spicy Fruit Monday at 2 PM Mkay Bye! #wassabiproductionchannel #spicyfruitchannel #fivebelowchallenge #worstbestfriend #guavajuicechannel #alexwassabi #snackmarlin