#ban_jessie #we_hate_team_toxic #we_hate_jessie
Reposted thedgirl1500
kiddo1 Where dis comment at
theebopp Plus if we all keep giving them attention then there just gonna do it more
theebopp But i do agree on banning her
theebopp Honestly were all saying that shes telling other ppl to kill herself correct... but then at the same time were telling her to kill herself
dios_crunchy yes the revenge
kiddo1 Where dis comment at
• Replytheebopp Plus if we all keep giving them attention then there just gonna do it more
• Replytheebopp But i do agree on banning her
• Replytheebopp Honestly were all saying that shes telling other ppl to kill herself correct... but then at the same time were telling her to kill herself
• Replydios_crunchy yes the revenge
• Replymamapusse
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