Abortion is murder. I agree. And I too am sorry if this offends any pro choice but if you\u2019re really pro choice then you\u2019ll respect the choice of that baby. That baby wants to live. Do you really think it wants to be torn apart? Limb form limb? And then sold? Because some are sold. If you kill a baby or support it then you don\u2019t support life, you support death and murder

Reposted How.to.be.invisible.101

How.to.be.invisible.101 avatar
  • How.to.be.invisible.101 avatar

    How.to.be.invisible.101 @surfinsafari_sunny Yes murder in legal terms is to unlawfully kill another human and because abortion isn't against the law in leagal terms you're correct. But killing by definition is to cause the death of a human , animal, or living thing. So it does kill.

  • How.to.be.invisible.101 avatar

    How.to.be.invisible.101 Okay for all you pro-choicers in this comment section let me explain something to you; Getting pregnant is something that is preventable. If a woman doesn't want or can't take care of a child then she shouldn't do things that get her pregnant . It's that simple .

  • underground_clown avatar


  • hullow_there avatar

    hullow_there Is it really worth it if you know 100% that the baby won’t be happy? Won’t have a good life? If your living on the streets and somehow manage to get pregnant do you really want to have the kid just to put them in danger? Is it really worth it? I don’t really know where I stand...

  • timeslayerrjk avatar

    timeslayerrjk Bro I don’t understand if they don’t want the baby just sell it on eBay

  • seb-dalton avatar

    seb-dalton Lol

  • MapleSurup avatar

    MapleSurup It’s sad.

  • tickingtimebomb avatar

    tickingtimebomb Scientists really have humans the decision to brutally murder their child with drugs without even giving that baby time on earth. Wtf??

  • tickingtimebomb avatar


  • Tomtheturtleboii avatar

    Tomtheturtleboii If my partner has a baby, I’m gonna name her ✨Anna Bortion✨

  • i_spyro_ avatar

    i_spyro_ Sometimes it’s an accident and wanna get rid of it bc u can’t afford a baby. And it doesn’t hurt them at all

  • kik777 avatar

    kik777 Absolute bs

  • h9bc4n47xu avatar

    h9bc4n47xu What this app has turned into... ITS A CLUMP OF CELLS. If the mother doesn’t get her choice of what she does with her parasite the baby will be unwanted. “Adoption is better” NO ITS NOT. It would be horrible to force a child into the awful adoption industry

  • surfinsafari_sunny avatar

    surfinsafari_sunny I do not wish to argue or quarrel but I simply don’t agree and don’t believe it’s murder to a certain extent

  • Burd_man avatar

    Burd_man @rgt09 well said.

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