Wow that dude said someone makes ghe worst memes and told em to go to hell but these memes are bad af btw the person who made this meme im not sure what to say about it but the person who made it is the dude who told the man his memes are bad and he should go to hell
You kinda act/seem like a kid based on how you act and like mlp... so I’m just going to say, please, get off my profile. I curse a lot and don’t want to make you have the idea to do it too.
Nori_Afton I’m dead anyways
• Replywojak nameless_weirdo = freind
• Replygimme_dem_toes Stfu and stop bothering ppl, I swear to christ frickin gacha retards. This is what happens when you smoke and drink while pregnant.
• Replysherylchotilal384 Oh yeh follow nameless_weirdo
• Replysherylchotilal384 Oof that a long one
• Replysherylchotilal384 Wow that dude said someone makes ghe worst memes and told em to go to hell but these memes are bad af btw the person who made this meme im not sure what to say about it but the person who made it is the dude who told the man his memes are bad and he should go to hell
• Replymamapusse You kinda act/seem like a kid based on how you act and like mlp... so I’m just going to say, please, get off my profile. I curse a lot and don’t want to make you have the idea to do it too.
• Replykilljoy_weirdo Here’s a tip: stop commenting mean things on my memes. You seem like a nice person, so let’s keep it that way.
• Replymrfuny #1 rule, don’t beg for ask for likes directly unless it’s a stick bug meme.
• Replylily_bat_omg_mlp I’m the maker of this and if u see this then..LIKE OR DIE👿