No not now \u200b #funny \u200b #true \u200b #memes \u200b #dankmemes
minerva_m What the fuuuuu—!!!! I could have gone the rest of my life without knowing thaaaat!!! What if humans did the same thing? 🤔🤔🤔😂
Yourlocalkpopfreak And that’s how gacha life started-
animerocksmeow “Ur ⚽️ crunchening”
michaelpoellot677 Is it ok if your balls hurt so bad while looking at this
cheers_the_mother_fucking_tea BAHAHHA THATS SO GOOD
crazytank1010 RIP balls
qucci_03 Did Those Lions Told You
dillbobmoo That would hurt
dillbobmoo Dang
LOKI_S_HELMET 👁👄👁 I....I’m now scared....cause my little sis and bro school mascot is a lion-
Some_random_stuff How interesting...😶
420whatchasmokin Poor male lions
minerva_m What the fuuuuu—!!!! I could have gone the rest of my life without knowing thaaaat!!! What if humans did the same thing? 🤔🤔🤔😂
• ReplyYourlocalkpopfreak And that’s how gacha life started-
• Replyanimerocksmeow “Ur ⚽️ crunchening”
• Replymichaelpoellot677 Is it ok if your balls hurt so bad while looking at this
• Replycheers_the_mother_fucking_tea BAHAHHA THATS SO GOOD
• Replycrazytank1010 RIP balls
• Replyqucci_03 Did Those Lions Told You
• Replydillbobmoo That would hurt
• Replydillbobmoo Dang
• ReplyLOKI_S_HELMET 👁👄👁 I....I’m now scared....cause my little sis and bro school mascot is a lion-
• ReplySome_random_stuff How interesting...😶
• Replyruby_isawesome
420whatchasmokin Poor male lions
• Reply