#antinra #guncontrol #commonsense #GOP #saveamerica

The second amendment isn’t the right to bear arms. It’s the right to bear arms as a WELL REGULATED militia. Well regulated. Thanks constitutionalists for re-writing history and being almost directly responsible for every major mass shooting in America.
The second amendment isn’t the right to bear arms. It’s the right to bear arms as a WELL REGULATED militia. Well regulated. Thanks constitutionalists for re-writing history and being almost directly responsible for every major mass shooting in America.
  • cheesybread456 avatar

    cheesybread456 You make everyone sound bad that has a gun, you make them sound like terrorists. And also the people who disagree with you because theyre another different person and have seen things you haven’t

  • CHCl3 avatar

    CHCl3 The whole point of the second amendment is to allow the people to defend against a tyrannical government. Giving the government the power to distribute those guns as they please defeats the purpose.

  • Firenight803 avatar

    Firenight803 Man has common sense tagged💀. Go get some, and maybe learn how to keep reading, or are you going to be like any other liberal, and be blind the reality.

  • surfinsafari_sunny avatar

    surfinsafari_sunny I personally believe everyone had the right to bear arms but they have to be qualified, just how you have to be qualified to drive a car, you need to learn about all the parts and safety features, laws to follow. And take a test at the end to prove ur secure enough to have a gun

  • jcwmasterbuilder avatar

    jcwmasterbuilder Ok put the WHOLE amendment “A well regulated Militia, being NECESSARY to the security of a free State, the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to keep and bear Arms, shall NOT be infringed.” It clearly says right of the people to keep and bear arms, please don’t take it out of context.

  • SussyMcNugget avatar

    SussyMcNugget It’s the depressed teenagers who are not making the right decisions they just need better parenting

  • SussyMcNugget avatar

    SussyMcNugget I disagree, I believe that anyone is aloud to bear arms if they are old enough with proper identification like a drivers license

#antinra #guncontrol #commonsense #gop #saveamerica
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