OD_juice_wrld Skfdixifjdjxfh
OD_juice_wrld That’s just mean he is the most serious member ever
IDLIKEURENTIRESTOK Then fuck you iabusefish motherfucka you abuse fish dumbass and if your not a serious memer then you wouldn’t understand
Skelly_inc_Memes “Goddamnit Gary what did I say about your failing rap career now is not the time!!!”
iabusefish I hope the person who made this stupid fucking meme dies
iabusefish I hope the person who made this stupid ass meme does
ModestChris Yikes, humor!
yung_swifty_101 Like if you have a big penis
virginity.suck i dont know which one is sicker the box or her
deadeyecrew Sick....but FUNNY as hell!🤣
theytrynabecrey that’s a sick beat but that woman is sicker 😆
spiiter *cheaking
spiiter He is cheating her heart beat
chris4kt Why is she in the hospital
DilboBaggins I don't know what's sicker. Her or the beat
OD_juice_wrld Skfdixifjdjxfh
• ReplyOD_juice_wrld That’s just mean he is the most serious member ever
• ReplyIDLIKEURENTIRESTOK Then fuck you iabusefish motherfucka you abuse fish dumbass and if your not a serious memer then you wouldn’t understand
• ReplySkelly_inc_Memes “Goddamnit Gary what did I say about your failing rap career now is not the time!!!”
• Replyiabusefish I hope the person who made this stupid fucking meme dies
• Replyiabusefish I hope the person who made this stupid ass meme does
• ReplyModestChris Yikes, humor!
• Replyyung_swifty_101 Like if you have a big penis
• Replyvirginity.suck i dont know which one is sicker the box or her
• Replydeadeyecrew Sick....but FUNNY as hell!🤣
• Replytheytrynabecrey that’s a sick beat but that woman is sicker 😆
• Replyspiiter *cheaking
• Replyspiiter He is cheating her heart beat
• Replychris4kt Why is she in the hospital
• ReplyDilboBaggins I don't know what's sicker. Her or the beat
• Reply