lil_petey but what’s so bad about advertising
mamapusse Don’t self advertise yourself, either, I saw that. The same thing will happen to you. Hate, depression, quitting. Bam. Don’t self advertise kiddo. And please tell me that you and your brother know what depression is...
lil_petey And he has depression
lil_petey :-; he deleted the app bc u guys were mean to him
The_chief Your brothers a fucking faggot
lil_petey but what’s so bad about advertising
• Replymamapusse Don’t self advertise yourself, either, I saw that. The same thing will happen to you. Hate, depression, quitting. Bam. Don’t self advertise kiddo. And please tell me that you and your brother know what depression is...
• Replylil_petey And he has depression
• Replylil_petey :-; he deleted the app bc u guys were mean to him
• ReplyThe_chief Your brothers a fucking faggot
• Reply