Caleb John Gurr
commonly known as “8z”
Apples 😠
your favorite disabled bi person
ethan Davis
creamy butter
through out heaven and earth I am the tele tubby of them all.
I’m the ultimate Bi, cus I got all four
Meme adict
William Raglan
I hear music 90% of the time
Apples 😠
Eden Gattis
Popeyez chikin sanwic
Popeyez chikin sanwic
Popeyez chikin sanwic
🎄Just another idiot🎄
Apples 😠
gavyn boyd
Gabe itch
not on for long
Meme adict
Conner Gladura
commonly known as “8z”
UIltra Boy
goodbye my subjects
you think I’m british so I will be
not on for long
Bye for real, my parents took away my phone, and when I get it back I will not come back to memes, farewell, I honestly wasted so much time here, I could have Accomplished much more without the memes app.
Apples 😠
Our.lord.and.savior Are u a cauldron, cuz i want to stir ur insides
• Replyyoure_avg_editking Redo: Hey you know its time for bed right?
• Replyyoure_avg_editking
• ReplyEmperorVader1 HARD R!!!
• Replytaxcollecter10 are you my dog? because i want to beat the living shit out of you until you stop breathing and bury your body in my backyard.
• Replytaxcollecter10
• ReplyEggoKirbo They say I have a focus as sharp as a knife, unbreaking and strong. This fact remained true until I was distracted by your beauty and grace.
• ReplyFlyinFox TERRIBLE PICKUP LINE: Is your name wi-fi? Cuz we have a connection. ACTUALLY GOOD PICKUP LINE: Somethings wrong with my eyes cuz I cant take them off you.
• ReplyCommanewism_real Are you a controller? Because i want to beat you until you don’t work anymore
• ReplyMommy_Riju Call me Russia Cuz ima smash Ukraine’s out.
• Reply8zmcgb2pfw Are you a car because I wanna ride you
• Reply8zmcgb2pfw Are you the sun because your burning hot
• Reply