You realise that overseas manufacturing is cheaper than manufacturing in your own country. (For America, at least.) Thats why so many things are made in China, Bangladesh, and sometimes Thailand. But China has had some shady things happen, and I’m pretty sure the sanctions we put in place on them are still in place.
thatkid_ You realise that overseas manufacturing is cheaper than manufacturing in your own country. (For America, at least.) Thats why so many things are made in China, Bangladesh, and sometimes Thailand. But China has had some shady things happen, and I’m pretty sure the sanctions we put in place on them are still in place.
• Replyyea_t Lol
• Replyonionrings12 Yow not nice. Not everything in China is fake. Lots of IKEA fourniture is made there...
• Replycreepygal2020 Well....
• ReplyAlixIHateEveryone A kid in my class said that corona was made in China like everything else he had to sit in another room 😂
• ReplyMemertastic STFU you communist
• Replyqualitymemes_daily Bats
• Replyth3d33pfrier They ate bats what did they expect
• Replysaider101 We don’t eat dog tho
• Replylightbubbly_ also they steal all of our companies
• Replymememaster3704 And aren’t we friends with china?
• Replyyeah_4_memes And they criticised us for being racists
• Replytommy_tlf How do you know ?
• Replymeme_tastic_ Rude
• Replyfirememes_4 no one in the U.S. has any brain cells 😂
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