Wowwwwww! That’s like a conversation between me and my friends. We’re texting so much we now think that verbal conversations and texting conversations are the same thing! 😂 That’s also a very good meme! Some of you guys on here are very creative! I don’t know how I can come up with good content compared to you guys...
anthony312 I wonder who found the phone first 🤔 🤣
• ReplyTaestheticc_exe Dumb and dumber 👏
• ReplyFellit Watdefok????
• Replyfishyboiyeet This guy is a legend
• Replyoofster07 This is from clumsy i think
• ReplyImmaYeetYouToSpace Stupidy in a whole new level 🤣
• Replynave1224 Bruhhh😂😂
• ReplyRinnysNoddleCorner Wowwwwww! That’s like a conversation between me and my friends. We’re texting so much we now think that verbal conversations and texting conversations are the same thing! 😂 That’s also a very good meme! Some of you guys on here are very creative! I don’t know how I can come up with good content compared to you guys...
• Replyroro12dope Yo
• Replylouis1596186614 😑😑😐😐
• ReplyWaheed_Khan Hahahahahaahahaha
• ReplyWaheed_Khan Haahhahahahahahahahaa
• ReplyWaheed_Khan HAHAAHAA
• ReplyMeMeWars2 Some ones high alert lol😂😂🤣🤣🤣
• Replyblasianbabii_ https://memes.com/u/blasianbabii_