I hate it when people say all fortnite kids are bad, like, why do so many people like ME then? I mean, i play a TON of games, but yeah fortnites included
Dude tho chill I’m not a fan either because I’m a Nintendo4Life but you are correct those children need to know that All the characters they added was either stolen or recolored models which I don’t have a problem with but when it’s a game that charges ya money to buy stuff then that is as greedy as EA is with there games
A.I.D.E.N. Guess what, Diamond picaxe!
• Replygrandpa_memesnde In Russia Fortnite plays you
• Replyyodh200 Just spray her
• ReplyCouch_gun Is it though
• ReplyAvocadToast_Chan Sir, is it illegal to punch a child?
• Replystressed_jess Lmao
• Reply_.YourCallHasBeenForwarded._ Shoot her again
• Replyplamenarajceva
memesforthememeless I hate it when people say all fortnite kids are bad, like, why do so many people like ME then? I mean, i play a TON of games, but yeah fortnites included
• Replynameless_crazyperson
Ace_The_Raboot Dude tho chill I’m not a fan either because I’m a Nintendo4Life but you are correct those children need to know that All the characters they added was either stolen or recolored models which I don’t have a problem with but when it’s a game that charges ya money to buy stuff then that is as greedy as EA is with there games
• ReplyClownface_Covfefe
DIBRA_FILMS Like those kids are stupid
• ReplyDIBRA_FILMS I hate it when fortnite kids tell me that the DC, MARVEL, and STAR WARS stole the skins from fortnite to make the movie
• Replyofficeboys Stolen
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