This is the sad reality of things, people fight for what they believe in, and many times aren\u2019t treated with the incredible respect they deserve, god bless veterans
This is the sad reality of things, people fight for what they believe in, and many times aren\u2019t treated with the incredible respect they deserve, god bless veterans
Reposted Foxtrot_Actual
femboy_general swiggity swoogity i’m entering the furry conventions walls
• Replymemekingerauahh Im a solider MOTHERFUCKER and my best friend got his arm blown off and almost died SO FUCK THOSE FURRIIEESSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
• Replygamblingcat this is one of the reasons why I hate furries
• ReplyMaggotBoi_MLP Ok these are the only tore off furries that I DON’T like.
• ReplyDancing_rules02 So thank u veterans 🫡
• ReplyDancing_rules02 They died for us to be free if they didn’t die we would not be Americans we would be Britain’s
• Replyshrexyman I respect vets more than I respect my family
• ReplyAttentionSoldiers This hot garbage is the things that make me sad.
• Replytypro0823 Us Nazi’s,Americans,British,Italian,or what ever you are we shall rise and fight,kill,cry,love or whatever we got to do to fight the furry army I’ve risen from hell to type this
• Replytypro0823 Let’s rise and take over the furry army
• ReplyFoxtrot_Actual Thanks man
• ReplyThatmemekid12435 Let’s kill us some furrys
• Replyclown_guy28473 God bless America
• Replyclown_guy28473 🫡
• ReplyThe_Brazil God bless Veterans 🙏🏻✊🏻
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