Apologize for updating you guys late again, I am honestly traveling with my younger brother, and my mother when this video titled GIRLS VS BOYS WHO CAN ENDURE MOST PAINFUL PIERCINGS, just uploaded at 5 hours ago, we are in Europe time zone. Is different from America time zone, early in the evening I was about to watch it but, we had to go somewhere walking around or somewhere far for some burnout exercise come back it was dinner time. So, we went somewhere for dinner, after that we just cool off by cold or hot shower and I am here now, update you guys late at night about this video I just watch anyways, it such an amazing and a interesting video I ever watch. To be honest, I never had any piercings in my life, even though I am an adult now. But, my life decision is depend on my mother anyways, see you next Saturday somewhere in the morning or late evening when I come back from dinner and shower time. See you this Monday somewhere in the morning or late evening when I come back from dinner and cold shower time. As for now have a great day and enjoy your summer! #wassabiproductionschannel #spicyfruitchannel #maya #alexxislemire #guavajuicechannel #roifabito #alexwassabi

#wassabiproductionschannel #spicyfruitchannel #maya #alexxislemire #guavajuicechannel #roifabito #alexwassabi
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