I have been busy traveling with my mother and my younger brother, we are actually in Paris and their time zone is different from America's, before I ever traveled with them, I used to wake up early right before 9 AM. To watch the new episode video from Wassabi Productions every Saturday morning. But now, I am with my mom & younger brother Traveling to many places to visit, and last place we will go to is Iceland before we go back to American Airlines. Traveling time zones messes me up, I am excited to go back to America and back into my morning routine which is different from the traveling time zone. Anyways, this Wassabi Productions new video titled WHICH IS BETTER? | USA vs PHILIPPINES SNACKS is such an amazing and interesting video I ever watched, have a beautiful day in the morning, or have a restful and peaceful slumber see you next Wassabi Saturday, and see you this Spicy Fruit Monday Mkay Bye. #spicyfruitchannel #wassabiproductionchannel #guavajuicechannel #roifabito #alexwassabi #usavsphilippinessnacks #whichisbetter #twomiuntesago