Imjustway2funny4u posted this after we commented on some pretty offensive stuff.
pitaslothhater dammit i just created an alt for nuttin
croc_dog Lol she’s gone let’s go
croc_dog @peetasgirl15 you are a cancer to this app
holy_defender U nigga is gay
NoOneInParticular Look, if you hate it on here so much, LEAVE
Fuck_Dominic_Beast80 Penisgirl15
croc_dog Peetas girls remember the post about the wooden spoon is parents solution to everything? Well a gun is the solution to you
Peace_Maker14 Me who does not know what is going on and vibin to the damn bgm
imjustway2funny4u Dude is so new that she doesnt know @Fun_Facts is me lmao
imjustway2funny4u Bro stole my post
R3belM3m3s why can't we all get along? I follow you both :(
pitaslothhater dammit i just created an alt for nuttin
• Replycroc_dog Lol she’s gone let’s go
• Replycroc_dog @peetasgirl15 you are a cancer to this app
• Replyholy_defender U nigga is gay
• ReplyWeBeMemeing
NoOneInParticular Look, if you hate it on here so much, LEAVE
• ReplyFuck_Dominic_Beast80 Penisgirl15
• Replycroc_dog Peetas girls remember the post about the wooden spoon is parents solution to everything? Well a gun is the solution to you
• ReplyPeace_Maker14 Me who does not know what is going on and vibin to the damn bgm
imjustway2funny4u Dude is so new that she doesnt know @Fun_Facts is me lmao
• Replyimjustway2funny4u Bro stole my post
• ReplyR3belM3m3s why can't we all get along? I follow you both :(
• Reply