cvygpgyyjc Get a life
holy_defender Stop deleting my comments or some shit and get yo bitch ass outta here
TheTwinTigers shut up and stop being gay you huge piece of shit go kys already for being cringe and stupid
NoOneInParticular If you don’t like it, leave
Mr_BlueSky Kys.
MoreArmourPen Hey would u mind not tryna bash someone who actually matters to ppl cus your just gonna get flames
Kauli Go follow @imjustway2funny4u he makes amazing memes and is 10000000000x more funny ong
Communist_bugs_bunny Boy shut yo ugly googly lookin ass
croc_dog Go follow @imjustway2funny4u for being a legend and not being a dickhead like you peetasgirl
Fun_Facts bruh stfu get a life. stop commenting
thatdamsloth Yeah,they are really inconsiderate and they need to get their head out of their ass, and realize that this is real life,not just some joke
R3belM3m3s really? Link?
cvygpgyyjc Get a life
• Replyholy_defender Stop deleting my comments or some shit and get yo bitch ass outta here
• ReplyTheTwinTigers shut up and stop being gay you huge piece of shit go kys already for being cringe and stupid
• ReplyNoOneInParticular If you don’t like it, leave
• ReplyMr_BlueSky Kys.
• ReplyMoreArmourPen Hey would u mind not tryna bash someone who actually matters to ppl cus your just gonna get flames
• ReplyKauli Go follow @imjustway2funny4u he makes amazing memes and is 10000000000x more funny ong
• ReplyCommunist_bugs_bunny Boy shut yo ugly googly lookin ass
• Replycroc_dog Go follow @imjustway2funny4u for being a legend and not being a dickhead like you peetasgirl
• ReplyFun_Facts bruh stfu get a life. stop commenting
• Replythatdamsloth Yeah,they are really inconsiderate and they need to get their head out of their ass, and realize that this is real life,not just some joke
• ReplyR3belM3m3s really? Link?
• Reply