Just look up the etymology for sodomy…no Bible required… but it’ll tell you that God destroyed Sodom because they were gay and otherwise sinful because the term comes from the Bible. Now whatever you do privately is between you and God but don’t spout crap you know nothing about
See but you have to take into account deciphering the Bible . god intended for us to be straight so we can repopulate the earth and fulfill his promise to Abraham. And you spelled homophobe wrong
Why do people hate on gays. What did they do wrong? Exist? There is nothing wrong about everyone thats LGBTQ. It is a choise. We should make a LGBTQ featival for the people that are LGBTQ and the people that suport it. and yes i will use up the whole letter limit in my speech.
There is literally 100 different verses say being gay is a choice, and a sin. Here is my proof. https://www.openbible.info/topics/homosexuality
Kauli Thought your friend said that you’re smarter than me lmao learn how to spell
• Replycroc_dog You’re
• Replyx1l3550nx Just look up the etymology for sodomy…no Bible required… but it’ll tell you that God destroyed Sodom because they were gay and otherwise sinful because the term comes from the Bible. Now whatever you do privately is between you and God but don’t spout crap you know nothing about
• Replyjaxpreslar Is it a choice u fagot
• ReplyMark_Zuckerrberg No one cares seriously just expect people to take the piss cos it’s funny it is a meme app after all
• Reply999_Nihilius_999 See but you have to take into account deciphering the Bible . god intended for us to be straight so we can repopulate the earth and fulfill his promise to Abraham. And you spelled homophobe wrong
• ReplyRedRaven57 Why do people hate on gays. What did they do wrong? Exist? There is nothing wrong about everyone thats LGBTQ. It is a choise. We should make a LGBTQ featival for the people that are LGBTQ and the people that suport it. and yes i will use up the whole letter limit in my speech.
• ReplyNoOneInParticular The actual version is in a different language
• Reply31shirts There are so many verses that say being gay is a sin
• ReplyKyleL07 I’m not hating it’s just when people be weird abt it
• Replysurfinsafari_sunny Being gay is gay change my mind
• Replywockkyslushh All gays say that as an excuse u need to get on ur knee's and repent
• Replythatdamsloth
The_Local_Crusader There is literally 100 different verses say being gay is a choice, and a sin. Here is my proof. https://www.openbible.info/topics/homosexuality
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